Author Archives: WorkerServices
Service Contract Act of 1965: An Overview
Passed in 1965, the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act (SCA) is a federal prevailing wage law [...]
Hourly Fringe Program as a Recruiting and Retention Tool
It is becoming increasing difficult for companies to hire and retain quality employees. This problem [...]
Five Things you can do on WorkerServices
WorkerServices (WS) is a flexible tool to help organizations effectively communicate with their employees, members, [...]
Weighted Average Overtime: How HR and payroll providers might explain it, and why it’s wrong
A company might ask their HR software or payroll provider how to meet their overtime [...]
My employees refer to prevailing wage fringe as “their money”
My employees refer to prevailing wage fringe as “their money”. What can the Company do [...]
IRS Publication 15-B fringes and Prevailing Wage fringes are not the same thing
IRS Publication 15-B identifies many items as legitimate fringe benefits. If the IRS identifies something [...]
On my Federal Service Contract Act (SCA) projects, isn’t it easier to pay the required H&W rate as cash on the employee’s paycheck?
Whether paying the Federal SCA required H&W rate as cash on the employee’s paycheck is [...]
Does prevailing wage have to be paid to a truck driver making deliveries to a prevailing wage (DBA) project?
The short and to the point answer is “maybe”. Determining factors that tip the scale [...]
The best way to fix a problem
Proactive vs. Reactive Specific vs. General Important vs. Urgent Successful Prevailing Wage contractors are most [...]